Notary Public Services for Spain

As an Irish Notary Public, I deal with documents from every jurisdiction in the world however because a large number of Irish nationals who have moved to Spain or own property in Spain, that is the country with whom I deal most.

While an Irish notary cannot advise on Spanish law the following sets out the most basic clauses that you should expect to see in the most common document likely to be required in Spain – namely power of attorney given by an individual for a specific purpose (e.g., to sell a property).

Whether you need a notary public for the attestation of witnesses for a property you own in Spain or you have documents from another jurisdiction that you need notarising, we can help. Based in Dublin our notary public services are recognised worldwide. In addition to these services we can also have your documents Legalised or Apostilled, which are forms of official verification of signatures.


The attestation of witnesses in notarial acts is only required by Spanish law in the following cases:

  • When one or more of the parties, or the notary, demand the presence of (art.180 of the Notarial Regulations);
  • When one of the parties is unable to read or write (art.180 of the Notarial Regulations).

In those cases at least two witnesses should be present.

Similar provisions are made in for wills (Civil Code, arts 697 (open wills) wills (both articles as amended by Law No.30 of December 20, 1991)).

Formal parts of public-form notarial act incorporating a power of attorney given by an individual

En la  Ciudad de                                          (name of city or town)      , Irelande,a (day) de (month) de dos mil [                      ], ANTE Ml, N.P., notario publico con

Competencia en todo el territorio de Irelande, debidamente facultado y jurado y ante el testigo que al final  se expresara:




Don (or Dona) A.B., mayor de (name of town or city) , Irelande, edad, [casado] [soltero],102 de nacionalidad Irish con domicilio en ( residential address) y titular de pasaporte de dicha

Nacionalidad numero          expedido en    el               de          de 20

Me constan sus circunstancias personales de sus manifestaciones y de su documentacion personal reseiiada, qae me entrega, compruebo y devuelvo.



En su propion nombre y derecho.

Teniendo pues el (or la) compareciente, a mi juicio, la capacidad legal necesaria

para el otorgamiento de esta escritura de poder, segun doy fe.


Que da y confiere poder especial [or general] pero tan amplio y bastante como en derecho se requiera, a favor de C.D., mayor de edad, [casado] [soltero], con domicilio en (residential address), para que en su nombre y representacion pueda ejecer en Espana (or as appropriate)  las facultades siguientes:

(Here set out in extenso the powers to be conferred)

EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, el (or la) compareciente habiendo sido informado del contenido de esta escritura, la aprueba, firma y entrega por ante mi el notario autorizante y el testigo presente W.W., mayor de edad y habil para testificar, habiendose observado todas las formalidades requeridas por la ley del lugar del otorgamiento de esta escritura.

( signature) A.B. (signature) W.W. (signature) N.P. (notarial seal)